ECS Houses. Hotels
Hotels are special houses to accept and produce large amounts of tourists
Zvon, České Budějovice
Drawn by George
Based on
Era 1 or in 1920 - 1955 (if eras are off).
Town zones: 1-4.
A road at S, SE and SW required.
5 houses in town required.
Not allowed in desert.
No hotel 6 squares around allowed.
1 hotel per 512 citizens.
Maximum 2 per town.
Accepts tourists, 2/8 passengers.
Cargo generation
24 tourists, 8 passengers
800 rating required for removal.
The last one in the town is protected.
Minimal age before removal - 50 years.
Available in 8 company colours combinations and 2 brightness variants (normal and extra-bright).
Hotel "Praha"
Drawn by George
Based on
Eras 1, 2 or in 1920 - 1965 (if eras are off).
Town zones: 1-4.
A road at SE required.
At least 512 inhabitants in town required.
15 houses in town required.
Not allowed in desert.
No hotel 6 squares around allowed.
1 hotel per town.
Accepts tourists, 2/8 passengers.
Cargo generation
48 tourists, 8 passengers a month.
900 rating required for removal.
The last one in the town is protected.
Minimal age before removal - 50 years.
Available in 2 combinations (with one large tree and with several medium trees).
"Regent", Třeboň
Drawn by George, help by Zimmlock
Based on
Eras 1, 2 or in 1920 - 1965 (if eras are off).
Town zones: 1-4.
A road at SE required.
One per 1024 citizens over 1024
Not allowed in desert.
No hotel 6 squares around allowed.
Maximum 4 hotels per town.
Accepts tourists, 2/8 passengers.
Cargo generation
64 tourists, 8 passengers a month.
800 rating required for removal.
The last one in the town is protected.
Minimal age before removal - 20 years.
Available in 16 combinations of 2 company colours.
hotel "Pribaltiskaya", Saint Petersburg
Drawn by George
Help by Zimmlock
Build in 1978 and later with a very high probability. Can be build only in second town's zone only. North tile accepts tourists, 3/8 passengers, 4/8 mail. East tile accepts tourists, 1/8 passengers, 4/8 beer (or goods). West tile accepts tourists, 1/8 passengers, 4/8 food (or goods). South tile accepts goods, 4/8 passengers, 4/8 mail. Only one per town in towns with population over 4096 citizens, only three per map max. 996 rating required for removal.
Generates 336 tourists, 132 passengers and 168 bags of mail a month
"Ternopol'", Zelenodolsk
Drawn by George, help by Zimmlock
Based on