ECS Machinery Vector. Vehicles Factory

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Vehicles Factory

Vehicles Factory

Drawn by Lifeblood

improved by George

General data

Vehicles Factory accepts steel, glass and dyes and produces vehicles. All materials are a must if they are defined.

Production may go on 0, 1, 2, 5 and 10 lines. Each line produces 64-90 vehicles a month. When 0 lines are used, Vehicles factory produces 8-10 vehicles a month.

Production change

Industry changes production level when value, calculated with the formula min(steel, 24*glass, 24*dyes) goes outside the value's range for the current level, represented in the table below.

The industry can rise and drop production level only by one. Increasing production on high production level also requires at least 50% of vehicles being transported.

When industry has a very low production level and do not have enough cargo waiting, it tests close down conditions. Industries in service have a close down chance reduced by 10%. Newly build industries can be closed only if they are at least 2 year old. Industries, build by random map generator or map editor, can be closed only if they are at least 5 year old age. A close down chance is 3%.


Very low|23|216




Ultimate|2160| ||

Stockpile size

The cargo acceptance is limited by a storage size. If the store is overflowed, the industry stops to accept cargo unless the storage is 1/4-free. Than the industry starts to accept cargo again.

||Level|Steel|Steel (75%)|Glass|Glass (75%)|Dyes|Dyes (75%)

Very low|2050|1538|363|272|484|363





Possible locations

Flat land required