ECS Vectors
ECS Vectors. Description
ECS vectors by George
The full ECS Vectors defines 31 cargoes and the corresponding industry schema uses 36 industries. Running all of them in one game makes the game rather complicated. To give the player control over the number of cargoes and industries, cargoes and industries are grouped into 6 blocks, called Vectors.
One of them is the base one, that defines the minimal amount of cargo and industries, and has two additional functions (adding variable snow lines and removing default industries), which are optional.
5 of them are additional ones. They can be used in any combination, with the base vector or independently. In case of running independently, every vector disables the default industries and cargoes, that are similar to the ones, represented in the vector.
Outdated vectors
- Basic vector for Tropic
- Basic vector for Arctic
- Machinery vector for Tropic
- Construction vector, Construction vector by Pikkabird
- Basic vector I
- Chemical vector I
The cargo movement between vectors is represented on the schema:
Big schema is located [1]