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Note that some pages have two different versions. The first one applies to the stable TTDPatch release, the second one to the TTDPatch alpha version. You can go to the latter by clicking on the arrows at the bottom of the page.
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TODO: A downloadable version of this manual, in the form of a zip file containing all individual pages as HTML files, is available at [1] (updated daily).
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- WhatDoesItDo - A brief summary of how TTDPatch is useful.
- CopyrightAndCopying - Who made TTDPatch, and under what conditions are you allowed to copy and use it.
- CheatDisclaimer - When not to use TTDPatch.
- TerminologyAndNotations - Explaining some of the terms and notations used in this manual.
- Contributors - Who works on and helps with TTDPatch
- Usage
- WhereToGetIt - The official homepage of TTDPatch and related sites.
- Installation - How to install TTDPatch.
- UpgradingToANewerVersion - What you need to do if you're upgrading TTDPatch from an earlier version.
- RunningIt - How to run TTDPatch.
- WindowsVersion - Differences between the DOS and Windows versions of TTD and TTDPatch.
- LanguageSelection - How to choose TTDPatch's language.
- ConfigurationFile - The file that tells TTDPatch what patches it should apply.
- BitSwitches - Switches with lots of settings
- CommandLine - How to specify the patches directly on the command line.
- SpecialSwitches - Special switches
- MultiplayerGames - What to look out for when playing multiplayer games with TTDPatch.
- Patches
- Basic
- EnhanceMultiplayer - Enhance multiplayer games to allow more than two players
- ExperimentalFeatures - Enable experimental features of the patch
- ExperimentalFeatures/2.5 - Enable experimental features of the patch (TTDPatch 2.5)
- ExperimentalFeatures:Alpha - Enable experimental features of the patch (TTDPatch 2.6)
- GeneralFixes - Many small improvements.
- LowMemoryVersion - For computers with less memory.
- MiscellaneousModifications - Modify some aspects of the generalfixes and other switches
- MiscellaneousModifications/2.5 - Modify some aspects of the generalfixes and other switches (TTDPatch 2.5)
- MiscellaneousModifications:Alpha - Modify some aspects of the generalfixes and other switches (TTDPatch 2.6)
- NetworkTimeout - Abort network connection if other computer does not respond.
- NewSounds - Allow new sounds
- RebuildTtdpatchovlOnEveryRun - Rebuilds ttdpatch.ovl even when it is valid.
- Resolution - Allow changing the resolution TTD runs in
- SaveOptionalData - Store additional information in savegames
- Windows2000XPCompatibility - Makes the Windows version of TTD compatible with Windows 2000/XP.
- Vehicles
- AutorenewalOfOldVehicles - Automatically renew vehicles when they reach their maximum age.
- AutoReplace - Automatically replace and upgrade vehicles
- IncreasedNumberOfVehicles - Allow more vehicles in the game.
- MoreConsists - Allow more than 80 trains, planes, road vehicles and ships.
- NewCurveAndMountainHandling - Make trains faster on mountains and in curves with realistic acceleration.
- NewDefaultServiceInterval - Set default service interval for new engines to the given number of days.
- NewVehicleGraphics - Enable new graphics for vehicles and new vehicle models
- PersistentEngines - Keep active engines in the purchase list.
- VariableRunningCosts:Alpha - Permit grf-determined variable running costs
- RailVehicles
- CloneTrain:Alpha - Enable cloning of trains.
- FreightTrains - Simulate very long freight trains by multiplying freight train cargo and weight
- TrainRefitting - Enable the refitting of trains in depots
- MammothTrains - Attach up to 126 wagons to a train.
- MoreSteam - Allows modifying how much steam is produced by steam engines
- MultiheadedEngines - Buy additional engines for a train.
- NewWagonAgeRating - New calculation of station ratings for aging wagons
- WagonSpeedLimits - Limit the speed of trains with freight wagons
- RoadVehicles
- NewRoadVehicleCrashes - Choose what happens when trains and road vehicles collide
- RoadVehicleQueueing - Road vehicles wait at an occupied station.
- Aircraft
- NewPlaneSpeed - Make planes have the correct speed in the game
- PlaneCrashControl - Determine under what circumstances planes may crash.
- Orders
- FeederService - Allows feeder service operation: unload cargo at a station that would accept them
- FullLoadForAnyTypeOfCargo - The 'full load' will be satisfied for any cargo type.
- GoToDepot - Add depots to vehicle orders
- LostVehicles - Give warning messages if vehicles are lost.
- NewNonstopHandling - Trains do not stop at stations where 'non-stop' is selected
- SharedOrders - Vehicle orders can be shared or copied.
- SelectableStationCargo - Choose what type of cargo should appear at a station.
- SelectableStationCargo/2.5 - Choose what type of cargo should appear at a station. (TTDPatch 2.5)
- AdvancedOrders:Alpha - Advanced Orders
- Terrain
- AutoSlope - Enable automatic foundation construction while landscaping
- BuildOnCoasts - Build on coasts without having to bulldoze the water manually
- BuildOnSlopes - Build more items on sloped tiles
- PlantManyTrees - Plant a rectangular area of trees
- TempSnowLine - Enable snow in the temperate climate
- ToylandFeatures - Toyland Features
- Infrastructure
- Bridges
- BridgeSpeedLimits - Raise speeds limits for the two fastest maglev bridge types
- CustomBridgeHeads - Enabling rearranging track and road pieces on flat bridge heads
- HigherBridges - Build higher bridges
- LongBridges - Set the maximum length of a bridge to 127 squares.
- NewBridges - Enable new bridges
- Canals - Build canals and locks
- EnhanceTunnels - Allows train tracks to be built over tunnel entrances
- MoreBuildOptions - More freedom when building and removing industries and other objects
- Railroads
- ElectrifiedRailways - Enable the electrified track system
- ManualTrackConversion - Replace tracks with a different type by simply building over them
- Signalling
- NewSignals:Alpha - Load new graphics for new signal types.
- Presignals - An improved signalling technique for very efficient networks and stations
- PathBasedSignalling - Enable path based signalling
- RoutingRestrictions:Alpha - Enables train routetracing to be restricted according to user criteria
- ProgrammableSignals:Alpha - Additional user-provided conditions for forcing a signal to red
- SemaphoreSignals - Show semaphore signals before 1975
- SignalsOnRoadTrafficSide - Always display rail signals on the side road vehicles drive on
- SignalWaitTimes - Adjust the time a train waits at a red signal
- ThroughSignals:Alpha - PBS Through Signals
- InvertibleSignals:Alpha - Invert the one-way/two-way routing behaviour of selected signals
- TrackTypeCostDifferences - Make different types of track cost differently
- UnifiedMaglev - Unifies the monorail and maglev track systems
- Roads
- AbandonedRoads - Make abandoned roads lose their owner.
- OneWayRoads - Allows to build one-way roads
- Trams - Enable tram tracks on roads
- Stations
- AdjacentStations:Alpha - Allows new station facilities to be merged to any station in range, even if it is adjacent to an existing station.
- FifoLoading - Load trains in the order they arrive
- GradualLoading - Gradually load and unload vehicles
- IrregularStations - Allow building non-rectangular, irregular stations
- KeepSmallAirports - It will always be possible to build small airports.
- LargerStationSpread - Allow a station complex to occupy a larger area.
- LongerStationsMorePlatforms - Makes it possible to build train stations with a maximum size of 7x7
- MoreAirports - Build more than two airports per city.
- NewLoadunloadTimeCalculation - A more realistic calculation of load/unload time.
- NewStations - Enable new station graphics.
- StationSize:Alpha - Changes the maximum railway station size to the specified value, up to 255x255
- Bridges
- HousesTowns
- BribeOption - Add a bribe option to the local authority menu.
- ExtraDynamite - Allow the removal of more city roads and bridges.
- MoreTownStatistics - Show statistics about cargo delivered to towns as well
- NewHouses - Enable new Town buildings
- NewTownGrowthSwitches - Control how towns grow
- NewTownNames - Allow defining now town name schemes
- OfficeTowersAcceptFood - In the arctic and tropical climates, office towers will accept food.
- TownBuildNoRoad - Prevent towns from building roads
- TownRoadBranchProb - Set the probability that towns will build roads
- IndustriesCargo
- NewCargos - Enable new cargo types
- NewCargoDistribution - Improve how cargo is distributed among several stations serving one industry
- NewIndustries - Enable new industry graphics
- StableIndustries - Industries never close down when stable economy is selected
- MoreIndustries:Alpha - Allow constructing more industries
- FinanceEconomy
- MoreCurrenciesAndEuro - Enable selection of more currencies and introduce the Euro in 2002
- Subsidiaries - Manage subsidiary companies
- TurnOffInflation - All prices remain at the current level, applies to both costs and income.
- Difficulty
- AIConstructionChances - Set the probability with which the AI will attempt to build new route types
- BuildWhilePaused - Allows construction while the game is paused.
- DisasterSelection - Select which disasters may occur
- EnhancedDifficultySettings - Allow additional options in the difficulty settings
- EternalGame - Allows you to play forever, time never stops
- NewPerformanceCalculation - Calculate vehicle performance rating based on vehicle purchase and running cost.
- NewStartingYear - Choose the starting year for new games
- SignCheats - Enable the sign cheats.
- Interface
- EnhancedGraphicalUserInterface - Enhance the graphical user interface inside TTD
- EnhancedGraphicalUserInterface/2.5 - Enhance the graphical user interface inside TTD (TTDPatch 2.5)
- ErrorPopupTime - Set the time an error popup is displayed
- FasterDebtManagement - Borrow or repay the maximum amount of debt with a single mouse click.
- ForceGameOptions - Force and set game options
- GameSpeed - Allow for the game speed to be changed dynamically using keyboard hotkeys
- LoadEntryInTheDiskMenu - Adds a 'load game' option to the in-game disk menu.
- LocomotionGUI - Enable a Locomotion-like user interface
- MapRefresh - Set the rate at which the map window is refreshed.
- MoreAnimation - Support a larger number of tiles with animation
- MoreHotkeys - Enable hot keys for all tools in the rail and road construction menus and for general actions
- MoreHotkeys:Alpha - Enable hot keys for all tools in the construction menus and for general actions
- MoreStatistics - Collect and display more in-game statistics
- MoreTransparencyOptions:Alpha
- MouseWheel - Enable the Mouse Wheel in the Windows version
- MoveErrorPopups - Move red error popup windows into a corner
- NewsInterface
- MoreNewsItems - Generate news items for more events
- NewsHistory - Change the news log to a news history window
- NewsPaperColour - Show newspaper in colour after a certain date.
- ShowFullDate - Always show the full date, not only when paused
- VehicleInterface
- FollowVehicle - Allows main view to follow a vehicle.
- SellEntireTrains - Sell entire trains by selling the engine with Ctrl
- ShowProfitInVehicleList - Show vehicle profit colour coded to indicate vehicle performace rating.
- ShowVehicleSpeed - In the vehicle window, show the current speed.
- SortVehicleLists - Sort vehicle lists by various properties.
- WindowInterface
- MoreWindows - Allow opening more in-game windows
- StretchWindow - Stretch the TTD Window to any size
- WindowSnap - Make in-game windows snap to each other
- EnhancedGraphicalUserInterface - Enhance the graphical user interface inside TTD
- Deprecated
- AIBoost - Increase the AI recursion depth.
- MoreIndustriesperClimate - Enables more industries in other climates.
- Basic
- AdditionalReading
- SignCheatsdetailed - A detailed description of all sign cheats
- MoneyCheat - Change how much money you have
- YearCheat - Change the current year
- AutomaticTrackConversion - Convert track to monorail, maglev
- CheatDetection - Find out what cheats were used in a game
- RoadrailroadCrossingOwnerBugfix - Regain ownership of your track/road crossings
- TrainCarRenewal - Renew all train cars for better ratings
- TrainNonstopCommandModifications - Set all commands to 'non-stop' (or not)
- ServiceIntervalChanges - Change the service interval of all your vehicles
- StationReset - Reset cargo, acceptance and ratings of all stations
- StationReset/2.5 - Reset cargo, acceptance and ratings of all stations (TTDPatch 2.5)
- PurchaseListModifications - Add or remove engines from the list of vehicles for purchase
- ResetVehicleData - Reload updated vehicle data
- PresignalRemoval - Remove all pre-signal setups, or only automatic ones
- GhostStationRemoval - Remove ghost stations
- SwitchingCompaniesplayers - Switch control to a different company or player
- ClearUnloadOption - Remove unload option from all orders
- ChangeSemaphores - Change to or from semaphore signals
- PlantManyTreesCheat - Plant a large rectangular area of trees
- SubsidyCheat - Make TTD offer a new subsidy
- RemoveHeadquarters - Remove headquarters
- SwitchClimate - Switch to a new climate
- DebuggerCheat - Enable TTD's internal debugger
- GraphicsCheat - Activate or deactivate new graphics sets
- FindLostWagons - Find lost wagons
- RestartConstruction - Restart construction stages of town building or industry
- StopAllVehicles - Stop (or start) all vehicles
- ResetIndustryData - Reload all industry data
- DeleteVehicles - Delete all vehicles on tile
- ResetFifo - Reset Fifo loading
- FaceSelection - Allows editing the company manager's face
- PurgeHousesIndustries - Remove unused house and industry data from the savegame
- LandGen:Alpha - New Terrain Generator Control
- UnReservePBSTrack:alpha - Unreserve PBS reserved tracks on sign tile
- Presignalsdetailed - In-depth information about pre-signals and useful setups
- HowPresignalsWork - Detailed information about the prinicples behind pre-signals
- AutomaticPresignalBlocks - How to set up automatic pre-signal blocks
- SpecificExamplesOfUsefulPresignalSetups - Terminus station, through station and overflow loops
- NewGraphics - In-depth explanation of how to enable and use the new graphics
- NewGraphicsInstallation - How to install and work with new graphics
- UseOfNewGraphics - How to use them
- GraphicsErrors - Troubleshooting and Error Messages
- NewWindows - New in-game windows introduced by the patch
- EnhGUIWindow - Enhanced GUI Settings Window
- GRFStatusWindow - Graphics Status Window
- GRFAuthorHelperWindow - In-game adjustment of real sprite offsets.
- CompanyColorSelection - Advanced company color selection
- NewTownGrowthMechanism - How the switches controlling town growth work in detail
- TTDTownGrowth - How towns grow in regular TTD
- NewTownGrowthSwitchesdetails - How the new town growth switches work
- ExampleTownSwitches - Some example town growth switches
- RealisticAcceleration - How the new realistic acceleration is calculated
- EnhancedKeyboardMapping - Remapping key combinations in TTD
- DebugSwitches - Modifying how TTDPatch works
- Help - Where to get help with TTDPatch
- TTDPatchMailingLists - The mailing lists about TTDPatch
- FrequentlyAskedQuestions - Look here if you have a question
- TranslatingTTDPatch - How you can translate TTDPatch into your language.
- CustomIngameTexts - Translating the new in-game texts
- DetailedInformation - What all the custom text entries mean
- CurrencyEntries - How to change currencies and create custom ones
- VersionHistory - What feature was added when?
- ErrorMessages - An explanation of all the error messages.
- VersionTrouble - What if TTDPatch doesn't recognize your version of TTD.
- SignCheatsdetailed - A detailed description of all sign cheats
- OtherStuff
- ContactInformation - How to contact the author of TTDPatch.
- FuturePlans - What might be included in a future version of the patch.
- ImpossibleChanges - Things that are often asked for but cannot be done.
- OtherTools - Programs related to TTDPatch, or otherwise useful for TTD.
- RealMaglevs - If you want to know what Maglevs are.
- ClosingWords - Useless trivialities because I couldn't think of anything better to say.