UserpageBorn Acorn
Yes, me.
I am Born Acorn, tt-forums and #tycoon(voiced) regular. I have played TTD + Patch since Multihead and it was one of the first games I owned. I play OTTD multiplayer more these days and demonstrate Ro-ro and presignal techniques, like most, butput income and efficiency above all else (such as eyecandy).
I make my own graphics for the patch, as can be seen in Project: Generic Stations, and at my website, Transport Tycoon Terminal, including a BR swallow liveried HST and new factory graphics, which has smoke coming out the roof (:lol:)
Personal Running gags : Continued use of obscenities, witchcraft, blasphemy and voodoo in inappropriate times. (which seems to have spread to other #tycooners!), Exclaming orudges name if he joins the channel (or he does it to me if I join and hes already there), and randomly spamming people with MSN 7 with crude drawing of TT-forums members and TTD developers (:razz:)