ECS Agricultural Vector. Textile Mill

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Valid for ECS 1.1

General data

Drawn by andythenorth, snow by Irwe, recoloured by George

Ecs textilemill.png Ecs textilemill-snowed.png

The Textile mill is the part of the ECS Agricultural Vector.



The Textile mill accepts Wool, Fibre crops and Dyes if defined.

The Textile mill does not accept any cargo during first 93 days of life if built in game.

Cargo acceptance is limited by storage capacity. The storage for Wool and Fibre crops is same. The usage of this storage is calculated as Wool / 4 + Fibre crops (tons). If the stockpile is in overflow, the industry stops accepting cargo until the stockpile is down to 50% of capacity, at which point the industry will start accepting cargo again.

Level Wool / Fibre crops Wool / Fibre crops (50%) Dyes Dyes (50%)
Very low 362 181 65 32
Low 725 362 129 65
Normal 1449 725 258 129
High 3261 1631 581 291
Very high 6885 3442 1227 614
Ultimate 14856 7428 2649 1324

Acceptance limit can be disabled with parameter of ECS Agricultural Vector.


The Textile mill produces Goods.

The Textile mill does not produce any cargo during first 93 days of life if built in game.

The Textile mill uses 6 production levels.

Dyes are a must cargo for production. Also the industry can't produce any cargo from Dyes without Wool or Fibre crops. On the lowest production level the missing cargo would be taken from internal resources to produce about 8 units of Goods. The Textile mill production is shown in the table (production data is calculated for 8 cycles a month. During game play, there are 8 or 9 cycles, while the total amount of distributed cargo is adjusted with property for minimal amount of cargo distributed). Production goes from cargo that is more stored with factors of 4 for Wool and 14 for Fibre crops.

Level Cycles Goods (wool) Goods (fibre crops) Wool Fibre crops Dyes (wool) Dyes (fibre crops)
Very low 1 55 88 116 52 2 8
Low 2 110 176 232 104 4 16
Normal 4 220 352 463 207 8 32
High 9 495 792 1042 466 18 73
Very high 19 1045 1672 2200 984 39 153
Ultimate 41 2255 3608 4747 2122 83 331

Production change

Production change happens on the 1-st day of every month.

The Textile mill does not change production level during first 93 days of life if built in game.

On the lowest production level (Very low) advanced closure mechanism is applied with the following protection conditions:

  • last one on the map
  • younger than 5 years for industries, built in SE (scenario editor) or during map generation, younger than 2 years for others
  • transportation level > 75%

Protection can be changed with a parameter of ECS Agricultural Vector to the following protection conditions:

  • last one on the map
  • younger than 5 years for industries, built in SE (scenario editor) or during map generation, younger than 2 years for others
  • transportation level > 1%
  • Textile mill was built by the player during game play

Changing production level is calculated by comparing the max (min (Wool * 1/4, Dyes * 57/4), (min (Fibre crops * 17/20, Dyes * 32/5)) with the value, represented in the table.

The industry can increase production level by one or two, and decrease it to any level.

Level Decrease Increase
Very low 36 215
Low 72 429
Normal 143 858
High 322 1931
Very high 679 4076
Ultimate 1466

On normal production level and higher at list 50% of Goods should be transported to allow production level growth


The Textile mill has one layout.

The Textile mill has low probability (2) to be built by map generator and very low probability (1) to be built during game play.

The Textile mill can be built by a player both in a game and in the scenario editor. Construction cost factor is 208. Construction conditions are represented in the table.

When built by the player during a game, the Textile mill will be in company colours of the builder. When generated by the game or built while in the scenario editor, the Textile mill will pick up the colour randomly.

SE Condition
Build on dry land
Build on flat land
Build > 1 tiles away from shore tile
Build > 3 tiles away from desert tile
Build inside Tz0
Build outside Tz1
Build > 31 tiles from a Farm
Build > 31 tiles from a Animal farm
Build > 31 tiles from a Chemical plant
Build > 15 tiles from a Textile mill

Description of Location/Positioning Conditions


The Textile mill is covered with snow when located above snow line. The Textile mill supports company colours.