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<stringtable id="1" num="86">

id = Current stringtable number
num = How much entries does this table have

<string id="13" type="0">San Juan</string>

id = Current string number
type = Where this part may be used: 0=anywhere, else add 1=next to the sea, 2=on a hill/mountain, 4=near a river/lake

If there is more then one stringtable, then the strings from those table will get mixed.
Example from ETOWNNAM:

<stringtable id="0" num="4">
        <string id="0" type="0">New </string>
        <string id="2" type="0">Great </string>
<stringtable id="1" num="112">
        <string id="108" type="0">West</string>
        <string id="24" type="0">Coat</string>
<stringtable id="4" num="24">
        <string id="8" type="0">hall</string>
        <string id="18" type="0">well</string>
<stringtable id="5" num="10">
        <string id="4" type="0"> City</string>
        <string id="9" type="0"> Market</string>

This can make:

New Westhall City
Great Westhall City
New Coathall City
Great Coathall City
New Westwell City
Great Westwell City
New Coatwell City
Great Coatwell City
New Westhall Market
Great Westhall Market
New Coathall Market
Great Coathall Market
New Coatwell Market
Great Coatwell Market